“We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.”― John Dewey
Reflection is a key part of processing and allowing ourselves the pause to think about what just happened. This Think, Make, Innovate focuses on the often overlooked piece of reflection.
Personal Reflection
Also, consider the mode that students will use to process and the audience that students will share this reflection with. It could be a personal reflection in a notebook, just for themselves or it could be a video reflection that is shared with the rest of the class of a Flipgrid. It could be reflection circle with just a few students or it could be a 1:1 conference with the teacher. Are there some digital tools that you currently use that could help students to share their reflections outside of the classroom?
The opportunities are endless, just consider how you scaffold students for this different types of sharing opportunities to help prepare them for success.
Journey Maps
To use with students, like suggested earlier, have students focus on three memorable moments in their making process and have them reflect what they learned from those moments. Was it a moment that they didn't think their project would ever come together? Was a it moment that they collaborated with someone else that helped them to realize a break through?
Curious to learn more about Journey Maps? Click Here
We'd love to see how you reflect!
We'd love to see the questions and prompts or you share with your students or the experiences that you create to help them reflect! Please share them with us @DLGWAEA on social media or email us at makerspace@gwaea.org
And as always...
~Amber & Mindy