This year, both #CSEdWeek and the Hour of Code activities will align with the theme #CSEverywhere. This theme highlights the impact that computer science is making everywhere and the relationship it has to different subjects, industries, career paths and our everyday lives. Iowa STEM and Grant Wood AEA are celebrating Dec. 6 - Dec. 12 and invite you to share your experiences using #CS4IA on social media.

Resources & Events Coming Soon
Mark your calendar for the week of December 6, 2021 so you can take advantage of the resources, events, and opportunities to partner with community & business partners to celebrate CS Ed Week this year! We'll be sharing new resources every Monday in November and will make announcements about events and partnerships early in November!
Please visit our dedicated computer science and CS Ed Week pages for additional information.
You can find all our 2021 Computer Science Education Week events & resources here.
About the Authors
Corey Rogers (she/her) is a Digital Learning Consultant at Grant Wood Area Education Agency. She has experience as a middle school STEM & Computer Science Teacher, Media Specialist, and School Improvement Consultant. She is passionate about bringing Computer Science to all students in Iowa and serves as president of the CSTA Iowa Chapter. You can contact Corey at crogers@gwaea.org.
Bridget Castelluccio is a Digital Learning Consultant at Grant Wood Area Education Agency. She has over 20 years of experience as an early childhood and elementary educator. She believes the future of education involves enhancing best instructional practices with digital innovation and integration to make an impact on student learning, engagement, and empowerment. You can contact Bridget at bcastelluccio@gwaea.org.