Grant Wood AEA's Online Resources are now called "Digital Resources!" We've made some major updates to the Digital Resources page. Don't worry, if you have the old page bookmarked you'll still be able to access all of these great resources for your classroom!
Here are a few new resources and updates to the resources you know and love.
Brand New GWAEA Resources
Core Concepts Science (7th-12th grade) Explores Chemistry, Biology, and the Periodic Table with videos, interactive activities, informational text, simulations & experiments. |
GALE in Context: High School Information is provided in the context of topics of interest. Formats include biographies, primary resources, multimedia, critical essays, news, and academic articles. |
Power Knowledge Science (3rd-6th grade) Covers life, physical, Earth & space sciences with science fair projects & experiments, interactive games, scientist profiles, and live video feeds & nature cams.
Updates to Resources
PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next PebbleGo & PebbleGo Next, by Capstone, are research databases designed for K-5+ learners. New, relevant articles and topics are continually added and they now have over 700 ebooks! You will find both on GWAEA OneClick.
Teen Health & Wellness Teen Health & Wellness now has articles for teens from Scientific American. This is a great resource for science classes in addition to Health and Family & Consumer Science. This is also found in GWAEA OneClick.