What are micro-credentials?
This summer, a diverse group of 40+ GWAEA educators came together to begin creating content for personalized learning called micro-credentials. This team has worked hard and is excited to share the current library of over 35 published micro-credentials with you. These can be used in a variety of ways individually, in small groups, or on a larger scale. The possibilities are endless in this unique learning opportunity for LEAs and Agency staff!
Find out more at www.gwaea.org/mc, visit the FAQ page, or email mc@gwaea.org.
What are personalized playlists?
A GWAEA Personalized Playlist is an opportunity for participants to combine 15+ hours of micro-credential learning for license renewal credit. Participants will write a learning plan, set a goal, actively engage and participate in the learning and produce a culminating project and a written reflection to showcase learning. Participants will have up to one year to complete the learning and culminating projects to gain credit.
Find out more at www.gwaea.org/playlist, visit the FAQ page, or email mc@gwaea.org.