What is a High School Registered Apprenticeship Program (HSRAP)?
Registered Apprenticeship (RA) opportunities can be life-changing for high school students wanting to jump-start rewarding careers while helping employers develop a skilled early talent pipeline. Iowans are seeing the value of this “earn and learn” model that combines education with training that leads to a prestigious, national credential and a paycheck on day one.
Students begin coursework while in high school, complete valuable on the job training with a partner employer and learn key skills in a high demand career. HSRAPs create clarity on pathways to career fields, and allow students to earn while they learn and accomplish their goals. Learn more at earnandlearniowa.gov/playbook.
What You Get:
Qualified pool of applicants with Kirkwood Nurse Aide coursework completed.
Partner employer selection of applicant(s) that best fit your needs.
Apprentice on site demonstrating competencies and completing assigned work for 2000 hours at a partner employer.
Minimum pay requirements that may be lower than starting wages.
Opportunity to train a workforce that fully meets your company’s needs.
School district provided support to assist the apprentice as needed.
No commitment to hire on completed apprentices.
What You Provide:
- Mentor on site for any needed training and/or support
- Pay at an agreed upon wage
- Periodic evaluations of proficiency with technical and behavioral competencies
Sample Apprentice Timeline
Junior Year | Complete CNA coursework through Kirkwood Community College. |
Summer After Junior Year | Begin with a partner employer full time. |
Senior Year |
After Graduation | Continue working full or part-time with the employer until competencies are met and 2000 hours completed. |
Partner Employer Engagement:
- End of February: Partner employer commits to a set number of apprentices for summer placement.
- February - May: Partner employer interviews, selects and hires apprentice(s).
- June - August: Apprentice(s) start full time.
- August - December: Evaluations and program updates as needed, planning for the next round of placements.
Want to learn more or ready to get involved?
Email Jen Boyd (jboyd@gwaea.org) for more information and steps to sign up!