The AEA Computer Science Team needs educator input to support the planning for some of Iowa’s future Computer Science professional learning!
Your input will be used for:
- 2023 Iowa CS PD Week: Iowa's AEAs, NewBoCo, and the Iowa Department of Education are collaborating to plan an Iowa Computer Science Professional Development Week for CS educators this summer. This is NOT a commitment, but your responses will be used to develop a PreK-12 CS PD program menu that best meets the needs of Iowa's CS educators.
- 2023-24 Ongoing CS PD offerings: Your responses will be used to plan both statewide and regional CS PD offerings, ITEC CS sessions, CSTA Iowa chapter meeting topics.
Take 5 minutes or less to complete this survey.
📆 Save the Date - CS PD Week
We are excited to plan for CS PD Week! This year, CS PD Week will be June 12th - 16th, 2023 at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls. This week will be an opportunity for educators across the state to gather together, participate in professional learning to help them add or expand computer science, and be shown appreciation. We are working to take away common barriers to joining this in-person event, including things like providing stipends, lodging, and several meals during the week.
We invite all PreK-12 educators, administrators, and coaches interested in computer science to complete the form. Please share the survey with colleagues that might be interested. The initial responses will be reviewed for planning on February 8, 2023.