The numbers are in! In 2023 Mid-Prairie Middle School students read a total of 9,482,015 words according to their MackinVIA dashboard. MackinVIA is an online tool offered by Grant Wood Area Education Agency, at no cost to school districts, that provides accessible eBooks, audiobooks, and educational databases.
When looking at usage statistics that Grant Wood AEA keeps for all schools, Mid-Prairie Middle School had 21,188 uses of MackinVIA during the 2022-23 school year, a 17% increase from the previous year!
Here are some quotes from Mid-Prairie Community School District students when asked what they like about this resource
- "It helps me focus on the books I'm reading."
- "It's convenient."
- "You can listen and read at the same time."
Check out what MackinVIA can do by referencing this MackinVIA "resume" created by the Grant Wood AEA Media Library.
Want more reflections on Grant Wood AEA's digital resources? Be sure to check out last year's episode of On the Road with John Speer, which includes an interview with Mid-Prairie teacher librarian Kaitlyn Dodds.