Students and educators at Lone Tree Community School use EBSCO to find journals, magazine articles, and newspaper articles to provide access to credible information for writing both informative and argumentative papers.
Middle school language arts teacher Kara Betts explained that at the beginning of the year, she reviews how to log into GWAEA OneClick and how to use the EBSCO databases for research. “I can rely on and trust EBSCO to provide students with trustworthy, peer-reviewed information,” says Kara. Students who struggle to read and recognize grade-level text benefit from the read-aloud features. Kara reports, "They often understand better when they listen and follow along with the article."
Additionally, high school English teacher Chadwick Crawford uses EBSCO with his students in multiple writing projects. He told us, “EBSCO gives students an idea of what it is like to search an academic database” as he guides students through sustained research work.