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    MTSS and Iowa Core Math Standards

    The pandemic has prompted administrators, coaches, and teachers to re-examine their priority standards, the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework and evidence-based practices. Here are… Read More

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    Open Minds, Open Doors Engages Students in “Amazing STEM Race” During In-Person Conference

    On Friday, Oct. 8, 184 students representing 24 local schools will gather for a new approach to the annual Open Minds, Open Doors… Read More

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    Secondary Literacy: Putting the Art Back in Language Arts

    In public education today, an often-heard statement about integrating literacy into different content areas is that “literacy is everywhere”; but what would the inverse of this… Read More

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    Math Strategies to Support Students for Grades 6-12

    This professional learning experience focuses on supporting students who are at risk or identified as having mathematical difficulties in the middle and high school grades. Participants… Read More

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    Write Tools for Teaching the Core: Informative/Explanatory Writing

    This three-day training is the introduction to “The Write Tools” to support the informative/explanatory text type in the Common Core. This training will provide common… Read More

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    Peer Mediated Instruction Intervention: Resource & Training

    Peer Mediated Instruction Intervention: Resources Available Peer Mediated Instruction Intervention (PMII) is a strategy that systematically teaches peers without disabilities ways of engaging learners with ASD… Read More

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    Think, Make, Innovate: Reflection

    “We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.”― John Dewey Reflection is a key part of processing and allowing ourselves… Read More

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    Light up thinking with Red Light, Yellow Light

    Red Light, Yellow Light is a powerful thinking routine when students encounter ‘puzzles of truth.’ Students are provided with tools to navigate through… Read More

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    Grant Wood AEA Recognized as an Iowa Top Work Place for the Eighth Consecutive Year

    Grant Wood AEA Recognized as an Iowa Top Workplace for the Eighth Consecutive Year We are pleased to share that the Des Moines Register has… Read More

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    Advanced Behavioral Assessments: Preference Assessments

    Advanced Behavioral Assessments: Preference Assessments This workshop provides information on the direct assessment measure of preference assessments. Assessing student preferences assists in developing behavior intervention… Read More