Brand Central

It’s important that communication and presentation materials are created in a consistent and professional manner. These resources are designed for the use of Grant Wood AEA employees.

ABC Toolkit - Accessibility- Branding - Content creation guidance for Grant Wood AEA staff.

Grant Wood AEA Style Guide - Guidance on agency language, formatting, and style.

Guidance  on if your team needs a "logo" or an illustrative graphic.

Grant Wood AEA Logos

Grant Wood Area Education AgencyGrant Wood Area Education Agency

Grant Wood AEA has updated its Mission, Goals and Core Values!

Agency Mission PDF - Grant Wood AEA’s mission is to ensure success for all learners. This PDF outlines the agency’s core values and goals.

Agency Mission, Goals and Core Values Resources - A suite of resources including printable posters, bookmarks and other graphics are available to use.

Zoom Backgrounds

Brand Central Resources

Accessible Presentation Templates

Accessible Presentation Template Option

This is your presentation title. Subtitle


This is your presentation title

This is your presentation title

Here goes your presentation title

Presentation Template 1

Presentation Template 2

Presentation Template 3

Presentation Template 6

Presentation Template 5


Agency Colors

Screen Shot 2023 09 08 at 9.43.41 AM
PMS 568
RGB: 47, 110, 105
CMYK: 57, 0, 5, 57
HEX#: 2f6e69

Dark Blue
PMS 308
RGB: 0, 89, 117
CMYK: 95, 60, 36, 16
HEX#: 005975

PMS 374
RGB: 137, 195, 79
CMYK: 52, 0, 95, 0
HEX#: 89c34f

PMS 274
RGB: 94, 85, 133
CMYK: 73, 75, 22, 5
HEX#: 5e5585

PMS 021
RGB: 242, 115, 43
CMYK: 0, 67, 99, 0
HEX#: f2732b

Light Blue
PMS 307
RGB: 0, 121, 162
CMYK: 88, 45, 19, 1
HEX#: 0079a2

PMS 208
RGB: 164, 29, 70
CMYK: 26, 100, 63, 15
HEX#: a51c46

PMS 137
RGB: 245, 173, 45
CMYK: 3, 34, 100, 0
HEX#: f6af1b

Agency Fonts

Google Slides/Docs Adobe PowerPoint Email
Title/Heading Lexend Bold Gill Sans Arial Bold Sans Serif
Body Lexend Times Libre Baskerville Gil Sans

Our Mission

Our Mission: To ensure success for all learners

Core Values

Core Values

Agency Goals

Agency Goals: Increase the academic performance of all students through innovative practice and equitable use of resources. Increase the social emotional, mental health and behavioral well-being of all stakeholders through an integrated system of support. Increase educator capacity to improve student engagement, equity and accessibility to learning.

Accessibility Disclaimer

Grant Wood Area Education Agency is committed to ensuring content accessibility for all individuals. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers related to Grant Wood AEA materials by calling 319-399-6700 or emailing us at

Communications Checklist

The agency has a specific style for writing, designing and communication to ensure consistency in its messaging. Use the Grant Wood AEA Communications Checklist to get started when creating materials on your own or by using the agency's communications and creative services team

Creative Commons

Resource created by Grant Wood AEA 2020 and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All other rights reserved related to third party content. Resource contacts: ______________.

** Staff Note: This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon Grant Wood AEA's work non-commercially, as long as they credit the AEA and license their new creations under the identical terms.

Resource created by Grant Wood AEA 2020 and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. All other rights reserved related to third party content. Resource contacts: ______________.

** Staff Note: This license is the most restrictive license, only allowing others to download our work and share them with others as long as they credit Grant Wood AEA, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.

Equity Statement

Grant Wood Area Education Agency extends equal opportunities in its employment practices, educational programs and services, and does not discriminate on the basis of color, gender, race, national origin, religion, creed, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, veteran status or as otherwise prohibited by law. If you believe you or your child has been discriminated against or treated unjustly, please contact the Agency’s Equity Coordinator, Melissa Ford, at 319-399-6464 or 800-332-8488, Grant Wood AEA, 4401 Sixth St SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404.

Email Signature

10 Years


Grant Wood Area Education Agency

4401 Sixth Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Header Graphics

Partners for Learning Social Banner 3 Partners for Learning Social Banner 1 Partners for Learning Social Banner 2

Release Info

  • Do you have questions about how to obtain consent for recording students? This chart helps walk through how to obtain the appropriate photo/recording release.
  • STUDENT Photo Release – GWAEA Release and Authorization Form
  • ADULT Photo Release – GWAEA Release and Authorization Form