Future Ready Iowa
Future Ready Iowa is an initiative to build Iowa’s talent pipeline, led by Governor Kim Reynolds and the Future Ready Alliance.
Definition of College and Career Readiness in Iowa
Iowa students who are college and career ready have acquired the necessary knowledge, skills and strategies to be successful in post-secondary opportunities as demonstrated through multiple sources of evidence, including those generated by students.
This document from the Iowa Department of Education provides further information.
Why Do We Need the Future Ready Iowa Initiative?
Education or training beyond high school has become the new minimum threshold for Americans to earn a living wage and attain middle class status. In 1973, only 28 percent of U.S. jobs required education beyond a high school diploma; by 2025, almost two out of three jobs in the nation are projected to require at least some postsecondary education or training.
Future Ready Iowa is not a brand new program, but rather a collaborative approach to highlighting best practices, nurturing high-quality partnerships, and ensuring hardworking taxpayer dollars are focused on those areas that will maximize progress toward our goal.
Visit the Future Ready Iowa or the Future Ready AEA website to learn more!
J-Term Resources
High School Registered Apprenticeship Programs (HSRAP)
The Iowa Office of Apprenticeship (IOA) has been officially recognized as a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), effective June 27, 2024. This development, and the enhanced flexibility that comes with it, will better position our state to create the workforce pipeline it needs for the future. The IOA will encourage new innovation and focus on expanding available programs to help apprentices start successful careers across Iowa. Get Started with Registered Apprenticeships (RA) Programs
Resources for Participating Districts
- GW HSRAP Handbook with templates for recruitment and support
- Iowa Department of Education Work-Based Learning Course Naming and Coding Guidance
Want to learn more? Please contact Molly Crock with any questions you have!
Future Ready Newsletter
Future Ready Newsletter
Subscribe to Grant Wood AEA's Future Ready Newsletter! This quarterly newsletter features district initiatives, upcoming Future Ready opportunities and events, articles of interest and other helpful resources. |
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AEA Prep
AEA PREP’s mission will be achieved through:
- Providing actionable postsecondary readiness and success data to all Iowa Pre-K-12 school districts.
- Developing a statewide network of Postsecondary Readiness Leads and teams who will provide leadership & support to districts and AEAs in using this data.
- Creating a resource center with updated research, postsecondary readiness data dashboards, presentations, webinars, and other information to support postsecondary readiness programs and initiatives
- Visit www.aeaprep.org
- District Policies and Practice Reviews
- Do district goals align to Postsecondary Readiness metrics?
- Are Equity policies/practices examined?
- Superintendent Evaluation (Policy Series 300)
- Career Education (Policy Series 600)
- Graduation Requirements (Policy Series 500)
The Center (Authentic Learning Resources)
We work with schools and community partners to create:
- engaged learners
- innovative environments
- future-ready community members
- resilient, self-directed young people
Learn more about The Center.
Future Ready Iowa
Future Ready Iowa is an initiative to build Iowa’s talent pipeline. Current postsecondary data shows that education or training beyond high school is the new minimum to earn a living wage. Academic mindsets are surpassing the need for specific knowledge. Careers today and in the future require advanced knowledge and/or technical skills. Today's students are encouraged to demonstrate thinking competencies in creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking.
Learn more about Future Ready Iowa.
Governor's STEM Hub
The Governor's STEM Hub offers many opportunities for schools and teachers to bring STEM education into the classroom. From their Scale-Up grants, local STEM festivals, and teacher Externships they support connections to local and national community-based learning experiences for schools.
Learn more about Iowa STEM.
Iowa Jobs for America's Graduates (iJAG)
Iowa Jobs for America's Graduates, or iJAG, uses project-based learning as a basis for experiential learning.
For more information about iJAG visit the iJAG website.
Iowa College Aid
Iowa College Aid, in partnership with AEA PREP, provides FAFSA completion information to schools to ensure all students who choose to complete the FAFSA do so successfully.
Fact sheet: FAFSA Initiative
For more information, visit the Iowa College Aid website.
Iowa Intermediary Network
The Iowa Intermediary Network coordinators are experts at bringing students to great career exploration opportunities. Learn more about the Iowa Intermediary Network and their opportunities for students.
Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services work with Iowans with disabilities and help them find successful employment across the workforce. Learn more on the Iowa Workforce Development website.
Work-Based Learning Clearinghouse
Work-based learning helps students develop new skills and connections through projects, internships and apprenticeships that are embedded into classwork.
Learn more on the Work-Based Learning Clearinghouse website.
Iowa's Core Strategies
Building Future Ready learners is a continuous cycle that uses Iowa's 5 Core Strategies of Data*, Transition*, Rigor, Partnerships*, and Relevance. Explore the resources below to begin developing Future Ready learners in your school!
*Current state and Grant Wood AEA priorities
Support leadership, school improvement, and/or counseling teams to effectively use a variety of Future Ready data sources and think-abouts in their evidence-driven planning and alignment with ESSA and Differentiated Accountability.
Where can I find data about student readiness and success in postsecondary?
- EXPLORE: Iowa PREP Trendlines to see trends among graduates with postsecondary enrollment, retention, and completion.
- EXPLORE: Iowa Student Outcomes to find information related to student success from PK-12 to postsecondary education, to gainful employment.
- EXPLORE: Iowa School Performance Profiles to see public school performance on required measures.
- IDENTIFY: Areas of strength and opportunity by completing the Data Hunt using the tools listed above.
What are data points we should be focusing on for Future Ready success?
- EXPLORE: Predictors of Postsecondary Success from American Institutes for Research to find the indicators and predictors for at each grade band for success at the next level.
- IDENTIFY: Future Ready Healthy Indicators from Redefining Ready - College, Career, Life that you can track and support to ensure students are prepared for postsecondary success.
- EXPLORE: ICAP Resource Tool to find lessons and experiences that support Future Ready initiatives.
How do I assess our current Future Ready Culture?
- TAKE: Future Ready Culture Assessment from NWAEA to measure your building’s current culture.
- EXPLORE: Postsecondary Readiness and Success Engagement Rubric to assess your current district engagement.
- COMPLETE: State AEA Future Ready District Self-Assessment for a detailed dive into all aspects of Future Ready initiatives in your district.
- EXPLORE: ICAP information from the Department of Education outlining the requirements and complete the Analysis Protocol to find areas for growth.
Ensure integrated strategies for improving PK-12 to postsecondary transition services for all students, with an emphasis on under-represented students, especially those with disabilities.
What does it mean to be Future Ready?
- EXPLORE: Iowa’s Career and College Readiness Definition to build awareness of the outcomes of successful graduates.
- EXPLORE: Future Ready Iowa to learn about initiatives and resources from the state to support Future Ready Iowans.
- EXPLORE: Portrait of a Graduate Re-imagine your graduates and take steps to make that vision a reality with a strategic action plan.
- SIGN UP: College and Career Readiness Academy to engage in courses that help schools and districts develop practices that lead to postsecondary success by preparing students for education beyond high school.
- WATCH: Success in the New Economy to understand how to secure a competitive advantage in the new economy.
What are the transition skills students most need?
- EXPLORE: The 5 Best Jobs of the Future and How to Get Them to learn about the skills that employers are looking for now.
- EXPLORE: Iowa’s Career and College Readiness Definition to build awareness of the outcomes of successful graduates.
How can I embed transition skills into my classroom?
- EXPLORE: ICAP Resource Tool to find lessons and experiences that support Future Ready initiatives.
- EXPLORE: ICAN Resources to find materials that support planning, applying, paying for and succeeding in high school and beyond.
- SHARE : Course to College guide from Iowa College Aid with students and families.
- WATCH/SUBSCRIBE: Iowa Intermediary Network Resources to hear from employers all over the state about career opportunities.
What opportunities are there for students during and after high school?
- EXPLORE: ICR Future - Educators Page to connect with groups and resources that support classroom curriculum.
- EXPLORE: ICR Iowa to find all the innovative education options available to students in our area!
- EXPLORE: Kirkwood Community College Career Academies to find pathway programs available to high school students that lead to postsecondary programs.
- CONTACT: Workplace Learning Connections liaison for your district to discuss available opportunities for students.
How do we communicate opportunities after graduation to help students find their pathway?
- EXPLORE: Empowering Students with Equitable Access to Career Experiences to learn about the importance of career conversations and experiences for every child.
- SIGN UP: College and Career Readiness Academy to engage in courses that help schools and districts develop practices that lead to postsecondary success by preparing students for education beyond high school.
- IDENTIFY: Key stakeholders in your district that can help build connections and increase student planning.
- WATCH: Transforming the Middle School Experience: A Community Approach to College and Career Readiness for Students in Grades 6-8th from the Association for Career and Technical Education to learn about a strategic plan that focused on exposing middle school students to local opportunities.
Why is the FAFSA important and how do we support students in completing it?
- EXPLORE: Iowa College Aid to learn why completing a FAFSA opens the door for postsecondary enrollment.
- FIND OUT: FAFSA Completion Percentages for your district over time.
- EXPLORE: Course to College from Iowa College Aid for strategies to support Future Ready Iowa goals.
Identify and improve high‐quality instruction based on Iowa’s Academic Standards (content, 21st-century skills and Universal Constructs), especially for high‐need and underserved students and on closing opportunity gaps.
How is my core supporting Future Ready goals?
- EXPLORE: Contextual Learning: Integrating Math & CTE to Become Future Ready to find out about applied learning that uses core and technical skills.
- EXPLORE: Predictors of Postsecondary Success from American Institutes for Research to find the indicators and predictors for at each grade band for success at the next level.
- ANALYZE: 3 Keys to Improving Assessments and reflect on how core instruction can support job ready skills and priority standards.
What are the top needs for the future workforce?
- EXPLORE: Get hired this year: 2021’s fastest growing jobs, and the skills you need to get them to find out which skills make the biggest difference today.
- EXPLORE: 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the next Decade - from VisualCapitalist.com, to see the jobs projected to boom, and those projected to fade by 2030.
- READ: LinkedIn Most In-Demand Jobs Right Now (Dec 21) to learn the jobs and skills that are needed today.
How can we support students in the development of skills such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking, productivity and flexibility, and adaptability?
- EXPLORE: Universal Constructs to foster deeper learning that embeds critical workforce skills.
- WATCH: Pivoting to Practice: Making Your Work-Based Learning Experiences Meaningful from the Association for Career and Technical Education to learn about strategies to embed professional skills into the classroom experience.
Expand high‐quality, work‐based learning experiences in various fields and careers for all students by enhancing partnerships in education, business, and community.
How can we provide experiences for students beyond the classroom?
- EXPLORE: Workplace Learning Connections to find opportunities for students to engage with local employers through job shadows, internships, and more.
- EXPLORE: Iowa Work-Based Learning Guide to determine the types of experiences available to students outside of the classroom.
Where do I find willing partners to support and connect with our programs?
- CONTACT: Workplace Learning Connections liaison for your district to discuss available opportunities for students.
- EXPLORE: WBL Clearinghouse to connect students with employers through authentic, shared projects - without any travel!
- EXPLORE: Navigating WBL Guide - Partnerships from the AEA Future Ready Team to find resources aligned with grade bands and specialized areas.
Which industries are in most need of workers in my region?
- EXPLORE: Future Ready Iowa High Demand Occupations to find current careers that are in high demand in the state.
- EXPLORE: Occupational Projections to find detailed results about in-demand occupations by industry and region.
- VISIT: Explore Careers developed by local Sector Boards! Take assessments to find strengths and interests, and explore careers and pathways by sector to learn about opportunities here in our region.
Support the implementation of learner-centered, personalized, and/or competency-based education as pathways to future readiness and success.
How can we increase learner engagement?
- EXPLORE: Authentic Learning Network to find resources and supports to implement authentic project and problem-based learning into curriculum.
- EXPLORE: The Center to learn about competency-based education that leverages learner-centered and personalized pathways.
- WATCH/SUBSCRIBE: Investing in Student Pathways to Strengthen Local Economies from All4ed.org where presenters share how innovative approaches lead to stronger community collaboration, teacher engagement, and student success.
What types of opportunities are available for students to become Future Ready during high school?
- EXPLORE: ICR Iowa to find all the innovative education options available to students in our area!
- EXPLORE: Kirkwood Community College Career Academies to find pathway programs available to high school students that lead to postsecondary programs.
- ANALYZE: Use the Analysis Protocol to assess your district ICAP and find more opportunities to connect to Future Ready initiatives throughout PK-12.
How can I embed future ready concepts into my classroom?
- EXPLORE: ICR Future - Educators Page to connect with groups and resources that support classroom curriculum.
- VISIT: Explore Careers developed by local Sector Boards! Take assessments to find strengths and interests, and explore careers and pathways by sector to learn about opportunities here in our region.
- EXPLORE: Your district’s Career Information System (CIS) to find connections with your classroom instruction.
- CONNECT: With School Counselors to learn about the counseling program and ways you can support it.
What types of careers are in high demand?
- EXPLORE: 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the next Decade - from VisualCapitalist.com, to see the jobs projected to boom, and those projected to fade by 2030.
- READ: LinkedIn Most In-Demand Jobs Right Now (Dec 21) to learn the jobs and skills that are needed today.
- EXPLORE: Occupational Projections to find detailed results about in-demand occupations by industry and region.
- EXPLORE: Future Ready Iowa High Demand Occupations to find current careers that are in high demand in the state.
Important contacts
Staff Directory