VAST Center Support for Local Districts

The Science Team at Grant Wood AEA works with school districts in Eastern Iowa to help them enhance teaching and learning with the use of science best practices. Our primary services include Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment. We offer classroom & curriculum support, coaching opportunities, and professional development to ensure success for all science educators and their students. This site includes news, information, and resources related to the work we do to support science educators.

  • Reach out with questions or requests for science support to Grant Wood AEA Science Consultant Maria Hasken-Averkamp (
  • For questions or requests related to FOSS kit delivery and pickup, reach out to the VAST Center at

Connect With Us!

Professional Learning 


Micro-credentials are asynchronous learning opportunities that allow participants to decide which elements best suit their personal and professional practice. Grant Wood AEA science consultants have made several science based Micro-credentials to help make your license renewal easier than ever!

Additional Resources

OpenSciEd Resources and Supports