What are Microcredentials?
Microcredentials are asynchronous learning opportunities that allow participants to decide which elements best suit their personal and professional practice.
- Microcredentials cost $25 for all participants.
- After registration participants will be contacted within 1-3 business days to select their micro-credential.
- Participants have 15 days to access the microcredential once granted.
- Districts, Schools, or groups interested in taking a microcredential as a team should contact complete the Group Request Survey.
Choose Your Path!
Register for 1, 2, or 3 microcredentials. After registration you will receive a survey to select your courses! In the meantime, you can explore our full microcredential library below!
One Microcredential | Two Microcredentials | Three Microcredentials |
Register for our most popular microcredentials!
Chronic Absenteeism: Overview (Part 1 of 3)
Section 504: Eligibility, Process and Resources
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Micro-credential Library
Accessibility in Education
Accessibility in Education
Description: Participants will boost their knowledge about accessibility and how it relates to accessing learning in education. This microcredential will lay a foundation in the areas of UDL, physical accessibility, assistive technology, and digital accessibility.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Adapted PE Goal Writing
Adapted PE Goal Writing
Description: This micro-credential is to help coach individuals on how to write and monitor IEP goals in the area of Adapted Physical Education.
Intended Audience: PE teachers, special education teachers, any members of an IEP Team
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
All Students: What We Really Mean
All Students: What We Really Mean
Description: All students can learn grade-level standards, what does this really mean? Participants will analyze this statement and dig deeper around what is implied by “all students”. Participants will also examine relevant research around how teacher estimates of student abilities impacts achieving grade level standards.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Alt Assess: Connecting to Core - Literacy Planning for Sig Dis
Alternate Assessment: Connecting to Core - Literacy Planning and Implementation for Students with Significant Disabilities (Planning Grid)
Description: Teachers utilize the planning and implementation grids to directly tie their instruction to Grade Level Standards and meet the participation requirements for Alternate Assessment. This ultimately leads to good instruction based on student skills and access to core content.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 educators, instructional coaches, PLC leads, principals, AEA staff, and LEA staff members who work with students with significant disabilities and are assessed through Alternate Assessment
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Alt Assess: Connecting to Core - Math Planning for Sig Dis
Alternate Assessment: Connecting to Core - Math Planning and Implementation for Students with Significant Disabilities (Planning Grid)
Description: Teachers utilize the planning and implementation grids to directly tie their instruction to Grade Level Standards and meet the participation requirements for Alternate Assessment. This ultimately leads to good instruction based on student skills and access to core content.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 educators, instructional coaches, PLC leads, principals, AEA staff, and LEA staff members who work with students with significant disabilities and are assessed through Alternate Assessment
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Alt Assess: Sig Dis - Iowa Core and a Growth Mindset (Literacy)
Alt Assess: Significant Disabilities - Connections to Iowa Core and a Growth Mindset (Literacy)
Description: This micro-credential focuses on the Growth Mindset in which we must presume competence in an individual and that all students can learn at high levels regardless of a disability.
Intended Audience: Special education teachers for alternate assessment and GWAEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Analyzing Healthy Indicators with Student Success
Analyzing Healthy Indicators with Student Success
Description: Participants will learn the important features of the Student Success data system platform including Healthy Indicators, attendance, and behavior data. Through analysis and reflection, participants will identify future system implications.
Intended Audience: K-6 Educators, instructional coaches, Building Leadership Teams, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Behavior Basics
Behavior Basics
Description: This training is intended for staff who support students with behavior needs. Behavior Basics is an overview of research-based behavior principles. It will provide knowledge/tools to assist with implementation of behavior intervention plans.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 educators supporting students with behavior needs
Approximate time needed: 3 hours
Building a Foundation of Community & Belonging...
Building a Foundation of Community & Belonging in the Classroom
Description: Building a strong foundation of classroom community begins with relationships demonstrating respect and appreciation for diversity and differences amongst students. This ultimately leads to a sense of belonging and unity through shared values and goals. A sense of community can assist all students in better understanding their own learning. Understanding hidden biases held within a classroom is also an important step. This micro-credential will dive into what a solid foundation of classroom community looks like and feels like which is a prerequisite for deep learning to occur. You will also be asked to create an action plan or next steps to creating a sense of community and belonging in your classroom.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, para-educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators and AEA staff.
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
Chronic Absenteeism: An Overview (Part 1)
Chronic Absenteeism Overview (Part 1)
Description: A definition of chronic absenteeism and the impact it has on students will be shared. The importance of using chronic absenteeism as a data metric in order to intervene early and preventively with students will be explained. Interventions at each tier of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) using continuous improvement is illustrated.
Intended Audience: All AEA and LEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 2-3 hours
Want to use this microcredential with your staff? We can set up a copy just for your AEA or district! We will help you learn how to monitor the microcredential to ensure your group has the best experience possible!
Chronic Absenteeism for Leadership Teams (Part 2)
Chronic Absenteeism for Leadership Teams: Examining Data to Assess & Prioritize (Part 2)
Description: This learning supports district and/or building teams to map their resources and determine the best team to address attendance needs. Content is provided to assist schools with refining the coding of attendance data in their School Information System (SIS) to improve accuracy for effective decision making. Last, participants will explore how to access and analyze their own chronic absenteeism data to determine root cause(s) and barriers to student attendance.
Intended Audience: Attendance Leadership Teams
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
Want to use this microcredential with your staff? We can set up a copy just for your AEA or district! We will help you learn how to monitor the microcredential to ensure your group has the best experience possible!
Micro-credential group request
Chronic Absenteeism for Leadership Teams (Part 3)
Chronic Absenteeism for Leadership Teams: Developing, Implementing & Evaluating an Action Plan (Part 3)
Description: This learning will help your team develop measurable goals and develop an action plan to address chronic absenteeism. This will also help your team assess the implementation and effectiveness of the plan and engage stakeholders.
Intended Audience: Attendance Leadership Teams
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
Want to use this microcredential with your staff? We can set up a copy just for your AEA or district! We will help you learn how to monitor the microcredential to ensure your group has the best experience possible!
Micro-credential group request
Classroom Assessment for English Language Learners
Classroom Assessment for English Language Learners
Description: This micro-credential was designed to promote an understanding of cultural and linguistic considerations when assessing English Learners.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Classroom Supports for English Learners
Classroom Supports for English Learners
Description: This micro-credential was designed to provide support for educators in ensuring that English Learners have access to core instruction.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
CPI: Rational Detachment: Digging Deeper
CPI: Rational Detachment: Digging Deeper
Description: This learning shares a brief description of Rational Detachment. Activities will provide opportunities to apply concepts and determine appropriate staff responses in order to stay rationally detached and manage their own responses.
Intended Audience: CPI Certified Educators
Prerequisites: Districts using this microcredential must only use with staff who are currently CPI certified through a GWAEA trainer.
Approximate Time Needed: 30 minutes
CPI: Verbal Intervention
CPI: Rational Detachment: Verbal Intervention - Responding to Defensive Behaviors
Description: This learning shares a brief description of the Verbal Escalation Continuum, within the defensive level of the Crisis Development Model. Activities will provide opportunities to apply concepts and determine appropriate staff responses.
Intended Audience: CPI Certified Educators
Prerequisites: Districts using this microcredential must only use with staff who are currently CPI certified through a GWAEA trainer.
Approximate Time Needed: 30 minutes
Creating and Adhering to Brand Standards (GWAEA Staff Only)
Creating and Adhering to Brand Standards - **GWAEA Staff Only**
Participants will learn what it means to authentically ‘live’ a brand and how an organization's brand may help them reflect their values and vision. Participants will learn how Grant Wood AEA’s brand guidelines help unify all materials created by the agency. This micro-credential was created for Grant Wood AEA staff.
Intended Audience: Grant Wood AEA staff creating materials intended to positively reflect on their organization.
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Creating a Micro-credential (GWAEA Staff Only)
Creating a Grant Wood AEA Micro-credential - **GWAEA Staff Only**
Description: This micro-credential was created for Grant Wood AEA staff creating content to enhance consistency and provide considerations for creating high quality micro-credentials at Grant Wood AEA.
Intended Audience: Grant Wood AEA staff wishing to create content for GWAEA micro-credentials.
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Data Teams: Focusing on Improvement
Data Teams: Focusing on Improvement
Description:Participants will learn to recognize behaviors and meeting practices of effective teams while clarifying the current reality of one’s own team and next steps for improvement. The learning will deepen understanding of the five-step process known as Data Teams. The learning is based on the Leadership and Learning Center and Achievement Teams.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Data Use Within Iowa's Continuous Improvement Process
Data Use Within Iowa's Continuous Improvement Process
Description: This micro-credential will provide information and tools on using data within a Iowa’s Continuous Improvement Process
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, administrators, instructional coaches, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Description: Classrooms are full of unique needs and abilities. Keeping this in mind, we cannot plan lessons targeted at just one group of students. Having knowledge about differentiated instruction and the skills to implement differentiation are imperative in today’s classrooms. Participants will learn how to differentiate instruction through content, process, product, and environment. The resources and activities will support educators as they implement effective instructional strategies to meet a vast range of student needs.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Digging Deeper with Depth of Knowledge and Cognitive Rigor
Digging Deeper with Depth of Knowledge and Cognitive Rigor
Description: Participants will explore Bloom’s Taxonomy, Webb’s DOK, and Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrices and apply learning around Depth of Knowledge (DOK) to standards, tasks, and essential questions. Participants will also explore The Opportunity Myth and learn how access to grade level standards, strong instruction, deep engagement, and high expectations are critical in the success of all students.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 3 hours
Disability Suspected: Understanding the Process
Disability Suspected: Understanding the Process
Description: This micro-credential is designed for child find staff new to the Disability Suspected (DS) process and/or ACHIEVE. The purpose is to orient you to the preparation, paperwork, and facilitation of the disability suspected process.
Intended Audience: AEA child find staff (new to child find and/or ACHIEVE)
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Early Childhood Literacy: Read Aloud
Early Childhood Literacy: Read Aloud
Description: This micro-credential was created to provide teachers, coaches and support staff with the knowledge and practices to implement a high quality read aloud in an early childhood classroom.
Intended Audience: Preschool teachers, kindergarten teachers, early childhood administrators, coaches, consultants and paraprofessionals
Approximate time needed: 1.5 hours
Effective Teams
Effective Teams
Description: This micro-credential will provide an overview of the characteristics of high functioning teams and the stages of team development.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, leadership teams, PLCs, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Emergent Literacy Bundle (Credit)
Emergent Literacy - Bundle (Credit)
Description: Educators supporting students with Significant Cognitive Delays and Complex Learning Needs will experience and apply strategies designed to move communication and literacy skills forward within their classroom and virtual settings. Participants will engage in a series of microcredentials directly tied to essential elements that meet the core standards for students K-12. These microcredentials are intended to provide the instructional practices, which are aligned to students with complex communication/learning needs. These strategies are evidence-based for students who have a limited ability to identify letters and/or to engage actively in typical shared reading and/or writing activities and a limited means of communication.
Intended Audience: Educators working with students who have significant disabilities and are on Iowa Alternate Assessment
Approximate time needed: 15 hours
Cost: $150
License Renewal Credit: 1
Emergent Literacy - Alphabet Knowledge and Phonemic Awareness
Emergent Literacy - Alphabet Knowledge and Phonemic Awareness
Description: In this micro-credential we will focus on Alphabet Knowledge and Phonemic Awareness. These skills help students link speech to print which allows children to understand, strengthen, and manipulate words.
Intended Audience: Special Education Teacher, AEA Staff (Interdisciplinary Teams) for students with Significant Needs
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Emergent Literacy - Core Vocabulary
Emergent Literacy - Core Vocabulary
Description: Access to Universal Core for students with significant cognitive and complex learning needs is essential for language and literacy development and affects a students long term goals for independent communication.
Intended Audience: LEA Staff who work with Significant Disabilities, AEA staff members
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Emergent Literacy - Independent / Self-Selected Reading
Emergent Literacy - Independent / Self-Selected Reading
Description: Emergent Literacy: Independent Reading are strategies and resources designed to increase student engagement and enjoyment of Reading, while meeting expectations for Iowa Core and Essential Elements instruction.
Intended Audience: LEA and AEA staff who support students with pervasive cognitive disabilities and identified for Alternate Assessment
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Emergent Literacy -Independent Writing
Emergent Literacy - Independent Writing
Description: Emergent Literacy: Independent Writing includes strategies and resources designed to increase student engagement and enjoyment of reading, while also meeting expectations for Iowa Core and Essential Elements instruction.
Intended Audience: LEA and AEA staff who support students with pervasive cognitive disabilities and identified for Alternate Assessment Pre-K-12 Educators, Instructional Coaches, PLC Leads, Principals, AEA staff, and LEA Staff members who work with students with Significant Disabilities and are assessed through the Alternate Assessment
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Emergent Literacy - Predictable Chart Writing
Emergent Literacy - Predictable Chart Writing
Description: Emergent Literacy Predictable Chart Writing is a strategy designed to increase emergent learner engagement and production of written communication, while meeting expectations for Iowa Core and Essential Elements instruction.
Intended Audience: LEA and AEA staff who support students with pervasive cognitive disabilities and identified for Alternate Assessment
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Emergent Literacy - Shared Reading (CAR/CROWD Strategy)
Emergent Literacy - Shared Reading (CAR/CROWD Strategies)
Description: This module provides an in-depth understanding of Emergent Literacy Reading Strategies. The CAR strategy provides engagement for students, while then moving to the CROWD strategy once a student does not require extrinsic motivators to engage with an adult or text while engaged in a shared reading experience
Intended Audience: Special Education Teachers, AEA Staff (Interdisciplinary Teams) for students with Significant Needs
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Exploring Engagement
Exploring Engagement
Description:This micro-credential will explore the dimensions of engagement and a variety of engagement strategies designed to encourage learners to own their learning experience.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 3 hours
Exploring Talk Moves
Exploring Talk Moves
Description: Participants will learn how to increase student discourse by using the talk moves from "Intentional Talk" (Elham Kazemi & Allison Hintz). Students will explore the importance of student talk and how each talk move supports classroom discourse.
**It is recommended to partner this micro-credential with the micro-credential called Instructional Routines to Support Number Talks.
**Participants will find it helpful to have access to "Classroom Discussions in Math: A Facilitator’s Guide to Support Professional Learning of Discourse and the Common Core" (Nancy Canavan Anderson, Suzanne H. Chapin, & Catherine O’Connor) to access video examples.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, administrators, instructional coaches, preservice teachers, paraeducators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
Foundations of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Foundations of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Description: This micro-credential is meant to help educators understand the mindset of universally designing learning and how the UDL Guidelines support designing with empathy.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 educators, instructional coaches, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1.5 hours
Fractions: Foundations
Fractions: Foundations
Description: Understanding fractions as numbers are central to helping students calculate with accuracy, efficiency, and understanding. This micro-credential is designed to investigate the essential understandings of fractions as numbers: partitioning, comparing, ordering, and equivalence.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 educators, instructional coaches, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Fractions: Making Sense of Computation
Fractions: Making Sense of Computation (Addition and Subtraction)
Description: This micro-credential investigates the essential understandings of adding and subtracting with fractions. It also involves making sense of mathematical situations to determine which operation is called for, and then knowing what the resulting answers represent.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 educators, administrators, AEA staff, instructional coaches, teacher leaders, para-educators, substitute teachers, preservice teachers, special education teachers
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Getting Started with Google Forms
Getting Started with Google Forms
Description: Participants will learn how to create a Google Form and think about how they might use Google Forms to support instructional goals.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, administrators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, paraeducators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 1.5 hours
Getting Started with Pear Deck
Getting Started with Pear Deck
Description: This micro-credential will introduce you to Pear Deck, an interactive addition to Google slides which provides formative assessment and enhanced interaction options for users.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, administrators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, paraeducators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
Google Slides for Classroom Teachers
Google Slides for Classroom Teachers
Description: Participants will learn how to enhance your Google Slide decks for classroom instruction using Google Insert menu to add video, audio, and links.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 classroom teachers and/or other educators wishing to become more fluent with Google Slides
Approximate Time Needed: 1 hour
High Expectations in the Classroom
High Expectations in the Classroom
Description: This micro-credential will support teachers in understanding the positive impact high expectations have on student learning and classroom culture. Participants will explore strategies for setting, maintaining, and implementing high expectations in the classroom. Consistency, support, feedback, and ownership will also be emphasized.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
High Quality Instruction
High Quality Instruction
Description: This micro-credential was designed to support educators creating content for virtual or face-to-face delivery with best practices in mind. Learners will be successful when they are able to create/deliver content which embeds best practice in adult learning theory, social-emotional support, and assessment practices.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
Instructional Coaching: Getting Started
Instructional Coaching: Getting Started
Description: Participants will explore quality teaching and effective coaching practices that will be used by instructional coaches as they begin their coaching practice. Participants will apply their understanding to develop an action plan for implementation.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1.5 hours
Instructional Routines to Support Math Talks
Instructional Routines to Support Math Talks
Description: Participants will learn about six instructional routines that promote student thinking, engagement and mathematical reasoning while specifically focusing on the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
*It would be helpful to partner this micro-credential with the micro-credential, "Exploring Talk Moves."
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, pre-service teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 3.5 hours
Introduction to Multi-Tiered System of Support
Introduction to Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Description: This micro-credential was designed for Pre-K—12 educators to give an overview of the foundational elements included in an effective MTSS system.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, administrators, pre-service teachers, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
Language Acquisition for English Learners
Language Acquisition for English Learners
Description: This micro-credential is designed for Pre-K-12 educators and administrators to provide an overview of second language to better support our English Learners in school settings.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, administrators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, paraeducators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Language Within a Multi-Tiered System of Support
Language Within a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Description: This micro-credential is designed to connect core curriculum language expectations with MTSS and provide opportunities to improve practice and implementation.
Intended Audience: Speech-language pathologists, Pre-K-12 general and special education teachers, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 1.5 hours
Learner Mindset
Learner Mindset
Description: This micro-credential will investigate research around growth mindset as it relates to the process of learning. Participants will dig into audio and video resources from the Learner Lab as well as other resources and tools to strengthen understanding around the process of becoming a skilled learner.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 3 hours
Literacy Handbook: An Overview
Literacy Handbook: An Overview
Description: Participants will develop an understanding of the key components necessary for effective literacy instruction and the high-leverage instructional practices within each component that support students in becoming skilled readers and writers.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 Educators, Instructional Coaches, PLC Leads, Principals, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2.5 hours
Math: Overview of the Eight Effective Teaching Practices (EMTP)
Math Practices: Overview of the Eight Effective Math Teaching Practices (EMTP)
Description: Participants will engage in an overview of the Eight Effective Math Teaching Practices to develop a common lens for collectively moving toward improved instructional practices ensuring successful mathematics learning for all students.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 3 hours
Mentoring: An Introduction to Mentoring (GWAEA Staff Only)
Math Practices: Mentoring: An Introduction to Mentoring (GWAEA Staff Only)
Description: This microcredential is designed to help GWAEA mentors develop a common understanding of mentoring. Throughout this micro-credential participants will learn the importance of listening for understanding, meeting mentees where they’re at, and balancing support, cognitive challenge, and professional vision.
*Participants will need the book Mentoring Matters: A Practical Guide to Learning Focused Relationships
Intended Audience: New mentors mentoring 1st and 2nd year GWAEA staff
Approximate time needed: 3 hours
Moving From Family Involvement to Family Engagement
Moving From Family Involvement to Family Engagement
Description: Participants will learn the importance of family engagement and how to move from family involvement to family engagement. Participants will also review research which links family engagement as a key component to school achievement.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 1.5 hours
Preschool Administrators: Desk Audit
Preschool Administrators: Desk Audit
Description: Participants be able to provide IQPPS evidence in the preschool desk audit in CASA between Sept 15 to December 1.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
Prevention Strategies for Mental Health
Prevention Strategies for Mental Health: Meeting Their Needs
Description: Participants will be empowered to view student needs through a lens of trauma and stress. This enhanced understanding of needs will support the implementation of strategies to prevent problem behavior and create a good foundation for learning to occur.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 1 hour
Protecting Intellectual Property
Protecting Intellectual Property
Description: As educators, we are constantly creating and sharing information. In our digital world, it is more important than ever to be good stewards in modeling how we share content. Participants will learn about Grant Wood AEA's "ABC" standards and how they apply to intellectual property.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 1 hour
Reading Scaffolds
Reading Scaffolds
Description: This is a course about supporting and releasing responsibility to students through the use of scaffolding.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 teachers, instructional coaches/leaders
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Science & Literacy: Procedures Precede Content
Science & Literacy: Procedures Precede Content
Description: Participants will understand how to intentionally plan and integrate literacy within the content area, procedures routines, structured literacy and common core standards reflect on current status. Participants will use an example from the FOSS unit Plants and Animals.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-18 educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Science: Crosscutting Concepts Explained
Science: Crosscutting Concepts Explained
Description: Participants will learn important details about the crosscutting concepts and how they are used to enhance science learning. Participants will briefly examine the seven crosscutting concepts as well as the progression across grades K-12. They will also have an understanding of the rationale these concepts play in supporting students learning in science.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 Science educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Science Crosscutting Concepts - Patterns
Science Crosscutting Concepts - Patterns
Description: Participants will examine the specific ideas about the crosscutting concept of patterns. Creating a deeper understanding of how patterns support the other crosscutting concepts in science. Participants will also look at specific classroom examples and question prompts of using patterns as related to specific performance expectations.
Intended Audience: K-12 science educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Science: High Quality Instructional Materials
Science: High Quality Instructional Materials
Description: Participants will explore what makes science curriculum high quality as well as what important features of it. Participants will also look at examples of high quality science curriculum for middle school as well as resources to use to make informed decisions on science curriculum.
Intended Audience: K-12 science educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1.5 hours
Science: OpenSciEd
Science: OpenSciEd
Description: Participants will learn the framework and what OpenSciEd is. They will also look at the five specific instructional routines as well as the scope and sequence. Participants will gain knowledge about how to navigate the website.
Intended Audience: Pre-K-12 Educators , preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Science: Iowa Core: SEP, Asking Qs, and Defining Problems
Science: Iowa Core Standards: Science and Engineering Practices, Asking Questions, and Defining Problems
Description: While completing this micro-credential you will gain an overview of the Science and Engineering Practices (SEP). Then they will take a deep dive into the SEP of Asking Questions and Defining Problems. Participants will be given ideas on how to incorporate Asking Questions into their science instruction.
Intended Audience: Intended audience: Pre-K—12 educators, Pre-service teachers, instructional coaches
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Science: NGSS Standards - Introduction and Digging Deeper
Science: NGSS Standards - Introduction and Digging Deeper
Description: Participants will explore the three dimensions of the Iowa Core Science Standards (NGSS). Participants will also think about and provide examples of the three dimensions in their classroom. Participants will also explore the NGSS website and learn how to access grade level standards as well as the appendices.
Intended Audience: K-12 science educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1.5 hours
Science: Notebooking
Science: Notebooking
Description: Participants will explore different artifacts to become familiar with science notebooking. Participants will reflect on how to gauge student interest in this strategy and learn how to develop routines for notebooks. Participants will also gain knowledge on how to help foster the idea that notebooking is more than just a journal.
Intended Audience: K-12 Science educators, preservice science teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1.5 hours
Science: Using Phenomena in the Classroom
Science: Using Phenomena in the Classroom
Description: This micro-credential is to explore what a phenomena is and how to use it in a science classroom. It will also look at the process of creating a driving question board. It will also contain multiple resources for phenomena and teaching tools.
Intended Audience: K-12 Science educators, preservice science teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Description: The ability to record your screen has powerful opportunities for the classroom. Teaching, assessment, differentiation, and even parent communication can all be enhanced with video. This micro-credential will show you how to get started.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
SDI Framework (Diagnose) for Students with Sig Dis
SDI Framework (Diagnose) for Students with Significant Disabilities
Description: Participants will acquire skills related to diagnosing instructional needs for students with significant disabilities within the RIOT/SCIL framework. Participants will gain an understanding of screening alternatives and eligibility criteria for alternate assessment.
Intended Audience: AEA Building Based/Child Find Staff
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
SDI Framework (Overview) for students on Alternate Assessment
SDI Framework (Overview) and required assessment training for students on Alternate Assessment
Description: Participants will acquire skills related to the Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Framework and navigation of the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Blueprints and the connection to Iowa Core Standards for students with Significant Disabilities.
Intended Audience: AEA and LEA staff supporting students with Significant Disabilities
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
Secondary Reading Strategies for All Content Areas (Grade 6-12)
Secondary Reading Strategies for All Content Areas (Grade 6-12)
Description: This course equips participants to develop greater clarity about the importance of teaching reading in their content areas as well as to learn and apply strategies throughout the reading process (pre-, during, and post-) for grades 6-12.
Audience: Secondary educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Secondary Transition: Completing the Postsecondary Summary
Secondary Transition: Completing the Postsecondary Summary
Description: This learning is designed to provide deeper learning regarding completion of the Postsecondary Summary for Living, Learning and Working (PSS).
Intended Audience: Secondary Special Education Teachers, Special Education Consultants, School Social Workers, School Psychologists, Secondary Guidance Counselors, Secondary Administrators
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Secondary Transition: Overview of 6 Critical Elements
Secondary Transition: Overview of 6 Critical Elements
Description: This learning is designed to give an overview of the six critical elements in Secondary Transition. Secondary transition is a results-oriented process that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the student with a disability to assist the individual’s movement from school to post-school living, learning, and working environments
Audience: Secondary Special Education Teachers, Special Education Consultants, School Social Workers, School Psychologists, Secondary Guidance Counselors, and Secondary Administrators
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Secondary Transition Planning: Assessment Using...
Secondary Transition Planning: Assessment using the Iowa Transition Model
Description: This learning is designed to provide deeper learning regarding transition assessment. To provide a foundational understanding we recommend engaging in “Secondary Transition: Overview of 6 Critical Elements” prior to this credential. Transition assessments are used to collect and gather relevant information on a student’s interests, preferences, strengths, and needs as they relate to the student’s postsecondary expectations for living, learning, and working. ***As a suggested pre-requisite, consider engaging in: “Secondary Transition: Overview of 6 Critical Elements”
Intended Audience: Secondary Special Education Teachers, Special Education Consultants, School Social Workers, School Psychologists, Secondary Guidance Counselors, Secondary Administrators
Approximate Time Needed: 2.5 hours
Secondary Transition: SDI that Supports Working Outcomes
Secondary Transition: Specially Designed Instruction that Supports Working Outcomes
Description: Secondary transition is a results-oriented process that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the student with a disability to assist the individual’s movement from school to post-school living, learning, and working environments. This microcredential provides best practice guidance in the domain of working (employment).
Intended Audience: Secondary Special Education Teachers, Special Education Consultants, School Social Workers, School Psychologists, Secondary Guidance Counselors, Secondary Administrators
Approximate Time Needed: 2.5 hours
Secondary Writing: Engaging Students with Standard W.4
Secondary Writing: Engaging Students with Standard W.4
Description: Participants will dive deeper into standard W.4 and how to engage secondary students in the writing process.
Intended Audience: Secondary Administrators, Secondary Educators, Preservice Teachers, Instructional Coaches, AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
Section 504: Eligibility, Process, and Resources
Section 504: Eligibility, Process, and Resources
Participants will engage in learning based on principles of Section 504 requirements. Through examining the processes, structures, and resources participants will gain an understanding of the differences between a 504 and an IEP.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 teachers, administrators, pre-service teachers, school counselors, school nurses, instructional coaches, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 3.5 hours
Social Studies State Training Year 1 - Part 1 (Elementary)
Social Studies State Training Year 1 - Part 1 (Elementary)
Description: This micro-credential course was developed to provide an understanding of the content presented in the state Social Studies Year 1 training over the new Social Studies Core Curriculum.
Intended Audience: K-5 Educators, Pre-service Teachers, Administrators, Instructional Coaches, AEA Staff
Approximate time needed: 3 hours
Standards: Proficiency Scales and Alignment
Standards: Proficiency Scales and Alignment
Description: Participants will develop an understanding of the purpose and use of proficiency scales within rigorous, standards-aligned curriculum, instruction and assessment. Participants will apply their learning through the creation of a proficiency scale and practice aligning tasks and assessments.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, preservice teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Structured Literacy Overview
Structured Literacy Overview
Description: Participants will deepen their understanding of Structured Literacy and how it can be applied throughout instructional settings.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, preservice teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Student Success & Fastbridge: PM and Interventions
Student Success & Fastbridge Creating, Managing, and Analyzing Progress Monitoring and Interventions
Description: Participants will engage in creating progress monitoring schedules, documenting interventions, and analyzing intervention effectiveness within the two platforms of Fastbridge and Student Success.
Intended Audience: K-12 Educators, Instructional Coaches, PLC Leads, Principals, AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Transformative Classrooms: Introduction
Transformative Classrooms: Introduction
Description: Participants will be introduced to Transformative Classrooms at GWAEA in this micro-credential. They will learn about the three tenets of Transformative Classrooms and the classroom outcomes and teaching practices embedding within those tenets.
Intended AudiencePre-K-12 educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff: Pre-K-12 Educators, Instructional Coaches, PLC Leads, Principals, AEA staff, and LEA Staff members who work with students with Significant Disabilities and are assessed through the Alternate Assessment
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Trauma Informed Care: Enhancing Student Outcomes
Trauma Informed Care: Enhancing Student Outcomes
Description: Participants will learn the basics of the impact of trauma on students, families, and schools. They will also learn how trauma-informed care can be paired with behavior analysis procedures and how trauma-informed approaches can be applied to individualized behavior interventions.
Intended AudiencePre-K-12 educators, preservice teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, AEA staff: Pre-K-12 Educators, Instructional Coaches, PLC Leads, Principals, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1.5 hours
Understanding Dyslexia
Understanding Dyslexia
Description: This micro-credential focuses on describing dyslexia, discussing myths about dyslexia, and reviewing instructional recommendations for students with dyslexia.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, para-educators, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate Time Needed: 2 hours
Using uPAR to Guide Better Instructional Decisions
Using Universal Protocol for Accommodations in Reading (uPAR) to Guide Better Instructional Decisions
Description: In this micro-credential, participants will learn about the Universal Protocol for Accommodations in Reading (uPAR) , how it is beneficial for students, and how it can benefit teachers as they are developing lessons and content with the needs of students in mind.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, para-educators, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Vocabulary Instruction Across Content Areas (Grade 6-12)
Vocabulary Instruction Across Content Areas (Grade 6-12)
Description: This course provides learning, strategies, and application for teaching vocabulary across content areas for students in grades 6-12.
Intended Audience: Secondary educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Writing Rope: Foundations
Writing Rope: Foundations (Part 1 of 2)
Description: The learning in this micro-credential will focus on the understanding of the strands included in the Writing Rope model. Participants will gain foundational knowledge of the skills students need to be taught in order to become proficient writers.
Intended Audience: K-12 educators, instructional coaches, curriculum directors, and AEA literacy staff
Approximate time needed: 1.5 hours
Writing Rope: Instructional Practice
Writing Rope: Instructional Practice (Part 2 of 2)
Description: The learning in this micro-credential will build on knowledge from the microcredential The Writing Rope Foundations. Participants will dig into the seven teaching principles introduced in The Writing Rope and learn about how these principles can be aligned to writing instruction.
Intended Audience: K-12 educators, instructional coaches, curriculum directors, and AEA literacy staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Accessible Digital Content
Accessible Digital Content
Description: Participants will learn more about creating accessible digital content in the design process and why it is relevant to their work. A Digital Accessibility Checklist will be highlighted for participants.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, instructional coaches, pre-service teachers, administrators, and AEA staff
Approximate time needed: 2 hours
Personalized Playlist (1 license renewal credit)
Description: A Grant Wood AEA Personalized Playlist is an opportunity for participants to combine 15+ hours of micro-credential learning for license renewal credit. Participants will write a learning plan, set a goal, actively engage and participate in the learning, and produce a culminating project and a written reflection to showcase learning. Participants will have up to 3 months (90 days) to complete the learning and projects to gain credit.
Intended Audience: Pre-K—12 educators, teacher leaders, administrators, instructional coaches, support staff, and/or AEA staff seeking license renewal credit or personalized learning opportunities
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
Registration for this course is closed. Please check back winter 2025!
Keep up to date at gwaea.org/playlist!